**IMPORTANT UPDATE** 5/20/2022:
Effective May 20, 2022, the Blue Ridge Health District is retiring this local BRHD COVID-19 Data Portal. BRHD has maintained a robust local COVID-19 data portal for two years that has provided critical data to community members and leaders throughout the pandemic. Local data is essential for public health operations and policy-making and will continue to be made available through the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
This change to BRHD Dashboards aligns with VDH’s announcement earlier this week retiring four COVID-19 dashboards and two landing pages. These retirements will streamline the available dashboards, better align with the data presentation of the CDC, and focus efforts on actionable data.
The CDC dashboard is considered the standard when it comes to cases by vaccination status, as the definition of vaccination status is rapidly changing nationwide. To stay in alignment with CDC data and follow the process of many states across the country, VDH will link to this CDC dashboard when the VDH Cases by Vaccination Status dashboard is retired. Virginia’s vaccination data is expected to be included in the CDC dashboard this summer, and the dataset also will be archived on the Virginia Open Data Portal.
*Local data for BRHD will remain available on VDH COVID-19 Data Dashboards. You can click here to access a list of VDH dashboard links and instructions on how to find local data.*
Visit the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association for hospital discharge data, an indicator of recovery. For COVID-19 resources and questions, please email us at BRHealthDistrict@gmail.com or call our hotline at 434-972-6261 (M-F 8am-4:30pm).