2024 BRHD Community Household Survey

Take Our Survey for (pocket) Change!

BRHD staff smilingAs part of the MAPP2Health Community Health Assessment, BRHD is organizing a community health survey! We’ll be swinging through several neighborhoods from May-August 2024 to ask some quick questions on residents’ health and well-being.

The in-person survey is given by our trained interviewers. Addresses selected for the survey are chosen at random. The survey happens on the front porch and lasts approximately 10-15 minutes. Participants receive a $25 gift card for completing their survey.

Households selected for the survey will receive a postcard in the mail before our team arrives.

The Community Survey is one of three ways we’ll gather information to determine the District’s health priorities. We will also be conducting focus groups and a stakeholder online survey between June 2024 and January 2025.

Interested in participating in the MAPP2Health process or have questions about the Community Survey? Contact us at BlueRidgeHD@vdh.virginia.gov