Operation Permit for Well & Septic

What is an Operation Permit and Why Will I Need One?

Once you’ve obtained your Construction Permit and have installed your septic and/or well, you’ll need an Operation Permit (OP). This permit allows the septic system and/or well to be placed into operation and utilized as intended. The designing OSE or PE must view the installed septic system prior to the system components being covered with soil. This ensures that the system was installed according to the originally permitted design and can be expected to operate properly. An OP will be granted when it is determined the septic system and/or well have been installed based on the conditions of original Construction Permit. The issuance of the OP is required prior to release of the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) by the building inspector.

How to receive an Operation Permit for my Well and/or Septic from the Virgiia Department of Health (VDH)?


  • Well Completion Report (GW-2)
  • Adequate Water Sample – no coliforms or E. coli present (Class IV Exempt)
  • Well Inspection by VDH (will be conducted once items 1 and 2 are received)


Last Updated: May 7, 2024