Food Packaging Operations Licensed by Virginia Department of Agriculture

Commercial manufacture of packaged foods and home-based businesses involved in packaging food are permitted and inspected by the Virginia Department of Agriculture (VDACS), Office of Food and Consumer Services.  Enforcement of these requirements includes regular periodic inspections of food establishments, including private homes. VDACS’ Food Safety Specialists, also known as inspectors, ensure that any food or beverage manufactured, produced, processed, packed, exposed, offered, possessed or held for sale is safe for human consumption, and in compliance with the Virginia Food and Drink Law and related regulations. Inspectors look for evidence of unsanitary conditions, mislabeling and the mishandling of food products that can lead to unsafe foods. Manufacturers are subject to unannounced inspections and sampling, as well as an annual fee.

For more information:

Home food packaging requirements

Starting a commercial food processing business in Virginia

Last Updated: May 7, 2024