Safe Swimming Also Means Protecting Yourself from Vibrio

If you work or play in the ocean, Chesapeake Bay and the rivers that empty into them, it’s important to learn how to avoid Vibrio. There are about a dozen Vibrio bacteria that can cause illness that can be severe.  

While wound infections are not common in Virginia, it’s good to protect yourself. You can also get sick from Vibrio if you eat raw oysters that have the bacteria.  

Anyone can get sick from Vibrio. People with weakened immune systems and pre-existing conditions are at greater risk for severe illness and even death.  

You can protect yourself by staying out of the water if you have an open wound. If you have a cut or wound that is splashed by salt or brackish water, wash it immediately with soap and clean water. Follow up with an antibiotic ointment and watch for signs of infection.  

If you handle raw shellfish or other items such as fishhooks, crab pots or fish with sharp spines that have been exposed to salt or brackish water, wear protective items such as gloves. Water shoes can protect your feet in areas with shells or creatures such as crabs that can pinch.   

If you eat raw oysters that have the bacteria on them, you could have diarrhea and vomiting. People with pre-existing conditions could have more severe symptoms.   

People who handle fish for a living or as pets in home aquariums also can get sick from Fish-Handler’s disease. Handling shellfish, tropical fish, cleaning aquariums, swimming pools, fishing, catching lobsters, and similar activities with a cut or scrape can allow bacteria to make you sick.  

Almost any creature that lives in salt, fresh or brackish water can spread this disease. Look for fish or other creatures with visible surface lesions and don’t pick them up with bare hands or eat them.   

Cooked fish and other seafood are not believed to cause Fish-Handler’s disease.  

To learn more about Vibrio, Fish-Handler’s disease and healthy and safe swimming, visit the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) website.  

VDH also monitors beaches by sampling the water from May to September for the bacteria enterococci. By itself, enterococci won’t harm you. If it’s found in the water at high levels, it could mean that there are also other harmful bacteria that can make you sick. Swimming advisories are issued when the levels are high. To see a list of swimming advisories, visit the VDH Swimming Advisories and Monitored Beaches Map.

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month

In Virginia, August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month.  

Breast milk is the only food that infants need for the first six months of life. It gives them all the nutrition they need along with important protection against diseases. Breastfeeding also benefits the mother by helping to decrease the risk of diseases, including breast and ovarian cancer.  

Babies who are breastfed get sick less often. For moms, that means less time missed from work. 

This year, the theme of World Breastfeeding Week – the first week of August – is “Making a Difference for Working Parents.” Challenges at work can mean that women never breastfeed or stop breastfeeding earlier than is recommended, according to the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee. Women with less than 3 months of maternity leave also reported that they stopped breastfeeding earlier than women with 3 or more months of leave.  

The Virginia Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, passed in 2020, requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for lactating workers, including more frequent breaks to express breast milk and access to a private area for that purpose.  

Mothers have been allowed by law to breastfeed in public in Virginia since 2015. A law passed in 2014 required school boards to adopt policies that provide breaks for workers and students and a private place to express breast milk to feed a child until the child reaches the age of one.  

Federal funds are helping to make a difference in Virginia by supporting programs that help improve maternal and infant health, including support for breastfeeding.  Federal funds also have helped to track the progress of the programs, conduct research and provide education.   

Some of the programs include The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hospitals Promoting Breastfeeding program, The Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant, the Healthy Start program, The Healthy Start Doula Supplement, and the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program. 

To learn more, visit the following websites:  

Breastfeeding Awareness Month – Breastfeeding ( 

Breastfeeding B2WLoving Steps English&SpanishNEW3-2018.indd ( 

Breastfeeding | CDC 

National Breastfeeding Month ( 

Don’t Get Burned This Summer: Protect Your Skin to Help Avoid Skin Cancer

True or false: the sun can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes.  

If you said true, you’re right! It’s important to think about sun safety no matter how little time you plan to spend outdoors enjoying the sunshine and summer activities.  

Sunscreen is the most talked-about way to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays, known as UV rays. Choosing a sunscreen is a matter of preference, but you should choose one that has a sun protection factor, or SPF, of 15 or higher and reapply it after wearing it for two hours or after swimming or using a towel to dry off, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  

Sunscreen isn’t the only way to protect yourself. Wear a hat that shades your face, ears and the back of your neck. Wearing sunglasses can protect your eyes from UV rays and reduce the risk of cataracts.  

It’s hot outside and although long sleeves, long pants and skirts can protect you from UV rays, it may not be practical to wear those items when it’s hot. Wear a T-shirt or beach cover-up. A wet T-shirt won’t offer as much protection.  

You can check the UV index on your phone’s weather app or online. If the UV index is 3 or higher, it’s especially important to protect your skin.  

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 5 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year. Many of those could be prevented by protecting skin from too much sun exposure and not using indoor tanning devices. 

The cancer society estimates that more than 97,600 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed this year. While people with lighter skin are at higher risk, everyone is considered at-risk for developing some form of skin cancer.  

You should keep an eye on changes in your skin and do a periodic self-check, according to the cancer society. While you may have seen pictures of skin issues that were diagnosed as melanoma, not all skin cancers look alike.  

The society suggests looking for the following signs on your skin:  

  • A new growth that changes or a spot or bump on the skin 
  • A sore that bleeds or doesn’t heal for several weeks 
  • A rough or scaly red patch that might crust or bleed 
  • A wart-like growth 
  • A mole that changes in size, shape or color 
  • A mole with an odd shape, unusual border or areas with different colors 

If you find something unusual on your skin and you have concerns, talk with your healthcare provider who can check it for you.  

Skin cancer can also appear in other ways. To learn more about skin cancer and melanoma, visit the American Cancer Society website to see photos and learn about the signs and symptoms of certain types of skin cancer.  

Finding skin cancer early means your healthcare provider has a better chance of treating it successfully.  

Want to learn more about cancer in Virginia? Visit the Virginia Department of Health Virginia Cancer Registry and the Virginia Cancer Action Coalition’s website. 

Here’s How to Deal With Those Biting Mosquitoes This Summer

What’s worse than a mosquito that bites, leaving you with a terribly itchy welt on your skin?  

A mosquito that bites you more than once.  

If you’re a “mosquito magnet,” you may already have been bitten this summer. The more it rains, the more rain water collects in places where mosquitoes breed.  And the more mosquitoes bite humans, the greater the chance for diseases to spread.  

Mosquitoes spread diseases, including Malaria, West Nile virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.  

What’s a summer-loving Virginian to do?  

There are several ways you can protect yourself and still have fun outdoors this summer.  

Insect Repellent 

Make sure your bug spray is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and contains one of the following:  

  • DEET 
  • Picaridin 
  • IR3535 
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) 
  • Para-menthane-diol (PMD)
  • 2-undecanone 


Wear long-sleeves and long pants to keep mosquitoes from biting you.  

Inside Your Home 

If you don’t have air conditioning that allows you to keep your windows closed, make sure window screens don’t have any holes.  

Outside Your Home 

Get rid of standing water around your home in places such as flower pots, buckets or gutters. Mosquito dunks can be used in places where water can’t be drained.  

Learn more about mosquitoes and other summer pests, such as ticks on the Virginia Department of Health website

Stay Well and Enjoy Holiday Cookouts With a Few Food Safety Tips

Outdoor fun, especially when the weather is nice, includes picnics, barbecues, camping, outdoor parties and other activities. Don’t miss out on the fun by getting sick.

Typical symptoms of food-related illness are vomiting, diarrhea, and flu-like symptoms, which can start anywhere from hours to days after contaminated food or drinks are consumed.

When the air temperature and humidity climbs into the 70s and above, harmful bacteria growth increases rapidly, making handling food safely even more important.

Here are a few warm-weather food safety tips to help keep your festivities and food safe:


When preparing meals remember to follow these safety tips: 

  • Clean: Wash hands, cutting boards, utensils, and countertops. 
  • Separate: Keep raw meat, poultry, and seafood separate from ready-to-eat foods. 
  • Transport food: It’s important to remember that harmful bacteria can start to grow when prepared food falls between temperatures of 40 -140 degrees. Perishable food transported without an ice or heat source won’t stay safe long. 
  • Thaw: Always thaw food in a refrigerator or place the frozen food in a cooler filled with ice or frozen gel packs. Never thaw food at room temperature.    
  • Marinate: Safely marinate foods inside a refrigerator. Never marinate foods at room or air temperature, and do not re-use marinade. If it is to be used as a dipping or other sauce, save a portion of the mixture, keep it away from raw meat and store it in a refrigerator or cooler filled with ice or frozen gel packs before serving.  
  • Coolers: Have several coolers. Have one that can be opened frequently and used for beverages, one for snacks and ready-to-eat foods, and one for meats.  
  • Trash: Have trash bags stored away from the serving and cooking area. Close or cover the trash bag when it’s not in use.   

Cooking Safety

The onset of warm weather often prompts many people to begin using their outdoor grills to prepare foods. The following tips can help reduce the risk of getting sick:  

  • Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds prior to cooking food.
  • Always cook foods to the proper temperature. Do not rely on the food’s color or firmness to determine if it’s thoroughly cooked. Always use a food thermometer and clean the probe end with soap and water before and after use.
  • When checking food with a thermometer, remove the food from the grill surface, place it on a clean plate, and then take the temperature in the thickest part of the food (not touching any bones).
  • Since grills and cooking surfaces may have cold spots or cook unevenly, check the temperature of each piece of meat on the grill.
  • Always use a clean plate and utensil for cooked foods; don’t use the same tongs or platter that you used to bring raw foods to the grill.
  • Check to make sure your grill tools are clean, in good condition, and not shedding any brush bristles.
  • Cooked foods on the grill surface can be moved off to the side in a hot holding area away from the hot coals or heating elements.
  • Store hot foods in a chaffing dish, table-top warmer, or in an insulated container.
  • Have mesh covers/tents to cover dishes to prevent flies and bugs from landing on the food. 


Keep these tips in mind when storing and eating leftovers:

  • Don’t leave food sitting out at room or air temperature for more than 2 hours. If the air temperature is 90 degrees or higher, then the time limit drops to one hour. The food should be thrown away if it sits out longer than that.
  • Refrigerate cooked leftovers within 2 hours and ensure the temperature in the refrigerator is at 40 degrees or below.
  • Divide leftovers into smaller portions and store in shallow containers in the refrigerator.
  • Leftovers should be eaten, frozen or discarded within 3 to 4 days.
  • Reheat cooked leftovers to 165 degrees as measured with a food thermometer. Sauces, soups and gravies should be reheated by bringing them to a boil.
  • When microwaving leftovers, make sure there are no cold spots in food where bacteria can survive.
  • When they are not in the fridge, keep cold foods at the proper temperature by storing them on ice (e.g., use an empty bowl, place some ice in the bottom, set the dish with the food product inside the bowl, fill ice around the food dish so that the ice level outside of the food dish is level with the food in the dish). Monitor the bowl and empty the water as the ice melts and refill with new ice. Use an inflatable cold tray and fill will ice, then set your cold food dishes into the ice tray.
  • Store coolers closed, in the shade or cover them. Store them in an air-conditioned area, if possible.

For more tips, visit the VDH Food Safety page and read more about Food Safety Fridays (#FoodSafetyFridays).

It’s Time to Recognize the Professionals Who Make Sure We Have Clean Water

On Friday, June 30, Virginia will recognize the professionals across the state who make sure we have clean and safe drinking water and who treat wastewater. A proclamation by Gov. Glenn Youngkin recognizes Friday as Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals Day. The General Assembly passed Joint House Resolution 88 establishing the day in 2016. 

Without reliable drinking water and wastewater treatment, thousands of people would die each year from waterborne diseases. Thanks to these professionals who operate public and private drinking water and wastewater treatment plants, Virginia’s 8.6 million residents have water that is clean. 

 At the Virginia Department of Health, the Office of Environmental Health Services and local health departments monitor and oversee private projects and data related to safe drinking water and wastewater treatment. Programs include private wells, onsite sewage systems food and shellfish safety, marinas, waterborne hazards, healthy swimming and more. The Office of Drinking Water ensures public water systems provide a safe and adequate supply of drinking water by enforcing drinking water regulations, monitoring drinking water quality, applying engineering judgement, providing technical assistance and training, and financing improvements to drinking water systems.   

To learn more about drinking and wastewater treatment in Virginia, visit the VDH Office of Environmental Health Services and Office of Drinking Water websites.   

June 27 is National HIV Testing Day

National HIV Testing Day is June 27 and it’s a good time to get a free test with results in as few as 20 minutes.  

Thanks to a partnership with Walgreens and Greater Than HIV you can get a test with rapid results at one of many Walgreens locations across the Commonwealth.  

Each year, National HIV Testing Day is observed to encourage people to get tested as part of their self-care. You can also ask about getting tested during a regular doctor’s appointment or check out other free or low-cost options, including a self-test at home.  

To learn more about testing and to learn about HIV prevention strategies, visit the Virginia Department of Health website. You can also talk with a counselor at the Disease Prevention Hotline at 1-800-533-4148, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or at 

It’s Hurricane Season! Here’s How You Can Prepare Ahead of a Storm

Hurricane season is underway, but it’s still early enough to build your kit and make a plan if a hurricane is likely to affect your area.  

Hurricane season begins June 1 and continues until November 30. This year, forecasters with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center are calling for 12 to 17 named storms. Of those, up to nine could become hurricanes with up to four possibly developing into major storms.  

Hurricanes can bring life-threatening conditions. Winds during major hurricanes can reach 111 mph or more. Storm surge, or flooding, also can be deadly.   

An emergency kit is important for you, your family and pet, especially if local authorities ask you to evacuate.    

What should your kit include? The basics of any emergency kit include the following:  

  • Food and water to last for your family and pets for several days
  • First aid kit
  • Clothing and bedding
  • Important papers and documents
  • Medications
  • Tools and emergency supplies

When a hurricane is approaching, know where your nearest emergency shelter is located and check websites, social media and local media for advisories from local authorities in case you are asked to evacuate.

The rest of your hurricane plan should include writing down emergency numbers and learning which shelters are pet friendly. You also can download the FEMA app to receive alerts and buy a NOAA weather radio to stay informed. Learn your evacuation zone.

It’s also helpful to learn weather terms such as hurricane watches and warnings.

A Storm Surge Watch means that it’s possible that life-threatening flooding will move inland from the shore, somewhere within the area described in the watch, usually within 48 hours.

A Tropical Storm Watch means that tropical conditions (constant winds of 39-73 mph) are possible withing a specific area within 48 hours.

A Hurricane Watch is sent by authorities 48 hours before tropical storm-force winds are expected.

A Hurricane Warning means that a hurricane that will bring winds of 74 mph or more is expected in the area. The warning usually is sent by authorities 36 hours before tropical storm-force winds are expected to give people time to prepare before winds make it impossible to do so.

The Virginia Department of Health has lots of helpful information on how to prepare for a storm, how to make an emergency kit and what to do during and after a hurricane. Visit the VDH website to learn more and download a helpful checklist of emergency supplies.

State Health Commissioner Karen Shelton, MD, Discusses Her Priorities for the Health of All Virginians

State Health Commissioner Karen Shelton, MD, is newly appointed to her role leading the Virginia Department of Health, (VDH), but she isn’t new to public health or to Virginia. She’s a native Virginian who formerly was Director of the Mount Rogers Health District and Acting Director for Lenowisco and Cumberland Plateau Health Districts. She also served in the role of vice president and chief medical officer at Bristol Regional Medical Center before her appointment as state health commissioner.  

Dr. Shelton holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Wake Forest University and a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Virginia. She completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

Having lived in several areas of the state and serving in several roles has helped shaped her perspective on the role public health plays for all Virginians, especially given modern challenges facing the Commonwealth such as the opioid crisis. Dr. Shelton is a mother of two grown daughters.  

The VDH Office of Communications sat down with Dr. Shelton to talk about her priorities for goals for protecting and promoting the health of all Virginians.   

What are your top priorities as you begin your new role as state health commissioner?  

It was thrilling when I started as Health Commissioner to be able to sign the declaration of the end of public health emergency for COVID19 for our state. We have been working the last three years on COVID-19 and now that it is decreasing, it is good to be able to turn our attention to other things. We do need to focus on our public health workforce – we need to retain and recruit to enhance our workforce. We have been through a lot with COVID, and we need to make sure we address our own wellness.   

The Opioid Crisis and Fentanyl 

We want to refocus, certainly, on our opioid crisis efforts. We started seeing a large increase in overdose deaths in 2016 across the Commonwealth. We had started some efforts and began to make some headway to decrease those deaths from 2017 to 2018. By 2019, we were beginning to see a decrease in those deaths. Unfortunately, they have skyrocketed again over the three years of COVID-19.  

Substance use disorder increased, unfortunately, during COVID-19 and we’ve seen an increase in our overdose deaths. So, as we refocus our efforts on the opioid crisis, the governor has enacted his Executive Order 26, to crush the fentanyl crisis. We at VDH look forward to partnering with other agencies across the state as we tackle this problem. We want to focus on education, prevention, harm reduction, treatment and anything that we can do to combat overdoses as well as substance use disorder. 

In doing so, we are always asking how we can reach those with substance use disorder, how we can help them and how can we guide them toward recovery when they’re ready. And then what are the recovery options that we have for them and how do we reduce the harm during their time of need until they are ready to get to recovery?  

Also, we look at the people who have been experimenting with drugs and who may overdose on a first-time use or infrequent use of drugs. How do we combat that as well? We have a lot of initiatives ramped up and we also rely on education and prevention. 

Naloxone distribution is a huge effort across the state, so we’ll be working on that along with the many different efforts to combat the opioid overdose and addiction crisis that we have. 

 Maternal and Infant Health 

As an OB/GYN, another main goal of mine is looking at maternal and child health issues. We want to have healthy families, moms and babies. As we focus on those efforts, we want to address issues of maternal and infant mortality. Specifically in maternal health, we want to address mental health, substance use disorder, chronic disease, intimate partner violence, and healthcare access. We are using data to inform our initiatives, and we have some great programs in our agency and partnerships with other agencies and community resources that are already addressing these issues, but we want to double down on our efforts and see if there are additional programs or initiatives that we can use to fill some gaps. I’m looking forward to championing these initiatives with our partners, along with the great work that is already going on within our agency. 

The Public Health Workforce 

Before COVID-19, a lot of people didn’t really know much about what we did as a public health workforce and all the wonderful programs that we have throughout the Commonwealth. 

During COVID-19, we’ve had a trial of our public health workforce. We have people who are still with VDH who have worked tirelessly over the last three years to address COVID-19 for our state. We have a lot of people who came to work for our agency over that time and then a lot of people who have now left public health. We want to champion the public health workforce that we have and see what we can do to bring healing and resilience and to boost the energy again of those who are still working in public health. I look forward to getting out to visit the local health districts and connecting with them on what their needs are. We also are thinking about how we can recruit new people into public health., and looking at how we can get people excited about public health, how we get them into our workforce and champion with us for the best, the healthiest state in the nation. 

How can citizens learn more about fentanyl and what can they do to help or to get involved? 

Our local health departments have free naloxone and provide training on how to recognize an overdose, administer naloxone, and save a life. There are also REVIVE trainings that are offered in communities that are also a good way for people to learn about opioids, about addiction, and about how to recognize an opioid overdose., and how to save a life with naloxone.  

Naloxone is a medicine that can temporarily reverse the effects of opioids. Opioids are very dangerous because when people take too much of an opioid, they stop breathing. And so that’s how they die. The naloxone blocks those receptors and allows people to start breathing again. 

The REVIVE! trainings have been going on across the state for some time and I know the efforts will continue. As we get further into our campaign against overdose and addiction, that will be spreading more in communities.  

How have all your roles – from doctor to health director to chief medical officer – shaped your perspective for this new role?  

I feel like my new role is really to evaluate the health of the Commonwealth. Part of what I enjoy, being chief health strategist, is asking how do I make sure that the important services are covered not only for healthcare, but for the well-being of the community? 

What is the access? How do we connect people to care? How do we get people to value their health? 

I think that my time at the hospital really helped me understand a lot about what hospitals do to provide for our communities and how VDH partners with them. Not the least of those is our Community Health Assessments which are integral in our community when it comes to the overall health strategy of a community. 

Also, while I was there (on the hospital side), I learned a lot working on the hospital side about quality initiatives. I learned a lot about patient safety initiatives, best practices, peer review, peer guidance. Part of that was asking how we make sure that our healthcare providers are performing at their best and learning how to guide them in their efforts.  

In 2021, as I was leaving the Virginia Department of Health, we had rolled out the vaccines. We were working on outreach in areas that had not had the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccines and we were making good progress. When I arrived at the hospital, Delta began to surge. We saw the highest numbers of cases that they had to that date at the hospital, followed by Omicron in the winter.  

It’s important that we are refocusing now. I think as a Commonwealth it’s important to make sure people are getting back to taking care of themselves with routine primary care visits and preventive visits such as screenings for cancer and other diseases to make sure we’re taking good care of our health.  

Continuing on that theme, how can Virginians continue to stay healthy now that we’re going to be living with COVID-19?  

Well, COVID-19 is now a part of our community.  It is worse than the flu. When we look at the outcomes, as far as the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths that have occurred from COVID-19 in comparison to the flu, it is an illness of significance for our communities. At the same time, so much of our population has been vaccinated. We do have a lot of immunity that, for most people, it’s not an extreme health concern. Certainly, for people who have certain medical conditions and those who are immunocompromised, that it is a significant factor. 

We all need to be aware, but most of us are now getting back to normal. I don’t know that it’s the same normal. But it’s important for people to get back to getting those mammograms, colonoscopies, and other screenings that healthcare providers recommend for their general health. One thing Virginians can focus on regarding their health is getting out and about. By that, I mean physical exercise, getting out and walking or doing the things you love. Get those breaths of fresh air and taking care of yourself that way.  

Mental Health Focus 

There has also been a lot more attention on mental health in our communities because of COVID-19. People experienced isolation and seclusion. They were not able to get out and about and to socialize. Now we have mental health repercussions. Fortunately, the stigma has been reduced in discussing mental health. I think people are a little bit more open now to talking about it. They want to know about the resources where they can seek help.   

The state of Virginia and the Governor’s plan has looked at increasing our capacity for mental health services. And we do have the 988 line that people can call. This is a national number, but the state of Virginia is up and going with that faster than even the national plan. 

So, we’re thrilled to have that resource in Virginia, and we know that health care providers do have resources for referral. I know that in the behavioral health world, they’re working a lot with “Right Help, Right Now.” They are focusing on educating people on where they can go in a crisis and how they can get the care they need at the time they need it.  

We want people to focus on their own wellness, not only mental health, but also social wellbeing. As we look at our communities, part of public health is looking at social determinants of health. We look at whether people have a place to live, whether they have access to nutritious food, how they are educated and if they can make a livable income. We look at these things to see how, as public health workers, we can work with our resources and link people in our communities with those resources.  


To learn more about the REVIVE! Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program, visit the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services website.  

To contact your local health district or department and learn more about naloxone and REVIVE! Training, visit the VDH website. 

Get Out and Celebrate at A Park Near You – VDH Family Health and Fitness Day Word Search

Did you know that the second Saturday in June is Family Health & Fitness Day? It’s a great day to spend time with those you love and participate in a healthy activity. The goal of the annual day, according to the National Recreation and Park Association, is to “discover, embrace and share the power of parks and recreation in promoting family health and wellbeing.”

This year, the day falls on Saturday, June 10th. Parks are great places to hike, canoe, ride a bike, play on a playground and so much more.

Activity: To help get you started, we’ve hidden some words associated with parks and recreation in the puzzle below. Print the page out and find the words, hidden forward, backward and diagonally.

Enjoy the day, don’t forget your sunscreen and use caution outdoors if the wildfires from Canada continue to affect Virginia.

Look for the following words in our crossword puzzle!

Click here for the printable word search and the answer key.

  • Biking
  • Picnic
  • Canoeing
  • Playground
  • Exploring trails
  • Rollerblading
  • Fishing
  • Sports
  • Healthy Snacks
  • Sunscreen
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Nature
  • Walking