VDH Reminds Men to Take Charge of Their Health

June is National Men’s Health Month. The Virginia Department of Health encourages men to take action when it comes to their health. It’s a step that can have widespread benefits — since men’s health can impact everyone. Some of the actions that men should consider include.

  • Eating healthy – Eat more fruits and vegetables and eat food with less salt, fat, sugar, and high calories.
  • Physical activity – Make a plan to participate in physical activities regularly. Pick something that is enjoyable, which will help in staying motivated.
  • Get a checkup – Schedule yearly checkups. Regular health screenings can prevent serious illness.

A major health concern for men living in Virginia and the nation is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer for men living in the Commonwealth. In 2020, more than 5,200 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and 880 Virginians died from the disease. The risk factors include:

  • Age – the older the man, the greater their chance of prostate cancer.
  • Race/Ethnicity – African American men are more likely to develop prostate cancer and twice is likely to die from the disease.
  • Family history
  • Obesity

For more information on making healthy choices and health screenings, visit Cancer and Men on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.