Virginia Department of Health Updates Reporting Schedule for COVID-19 Dashboards and Other Retirements

Last Updated: December 27, 2022

Virginia Department of Health Updates Reporting Schedule for COVID-19 Dashboards and Other Retirements

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) continues to streamline information on its COVID-19 data dashboards to better highlight current COVID-19 trends in Virginia and inform action. As of December 27, 2022, VDH will report weekly to align with the CDC’s current reporting frequency. The COVID-19 Cases Summary page was updated to better display trends in Virginia. Access to currently available data will be maintained in the Virginia Open Data Portal 

 The COVID-19 Cases Summary dashboard has been updated as follows: 

  • Created an overview page for the data dashboards that best shows the impact of COVID-19 in Virginia. 
  • Graphs will replace the numbers currently listed for each metric. Each dashboard and dataset will be linked to more data to further explore the metric. 
  • Data will be categorized by the trend (indicator) they represent. The categories are: 
    • Incidence Indicators: understand the current trend of disease.
    • Severity Indicators: understand the burden of disease.
    • COVID-19 in Virginia: understand community transmission and who is affected
    • Vaccination: level of immunity in the community.
    • Surveillance of Variants: track changes in the virus that may impact how the disease spreads or responds to treatments and vaccines.

 The following dashboards have been retired or moved from the main landing page: 

  • PCR Percent Positivity: The PCR Percent Positivity dashboard will be retired because this measure no longer captures what is happening in the community. While the testing encounters PCR only results are accurate, it is not fully representative of all testing in Virginia. The associated dataset on the Virginia Open Data Portal will continue to be updated weekly. 
  • Testing data: Testing data will no longer be available on the COVID-19 Cases Summary dashboard. The associated dataset on the Virginia Open Data Portal will continue to be updated weekly. The Testing dashboard was retired on October 24, 2022. 
  • Outbreaks: Outbreaks will no longer be available on the COVID-19 Cases Summary dashboard. The Outbreaks dashboard will still be available and updated weekly. 
  • MIS-C cases and MIS-C deaths: MIS-C cases and deaths will no longer be available on the COVID-19 Cases Summary dashboard. The associated dataset on the Virginia Open Data Portal will continue to be updated weekly. The MIS-C dashboard was retired on October 24, 2022. 

 The changes are intended to streamline the information that is most helpful in tracking COVID-19 and its impacts on Virginia at this point in the pandemic. The VDH COVID-19 dashboards are available here.