UV Safety Awareness Month

Seeking Sun Safety Suggestions? VDH Has the Answers.

The extreme heat that we are experiencing this summer is only one of the reasons to take steps to protect you and your family. The sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UV) is another. UV rays can cause skin damage, including premature aging and skin cancer. You can protect yourself from the harmful rays with a few simple steps.

  • use sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher
  • reapply every two hours, especially after swimming
  • when possible, wear lightweight protective clothing
  • lightweight long-sleeved shirts and pants, brimmed hats
  • limit your time in the sun
  • avoid exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • wear sunglasses.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. A change in your skin is the most common sign of skin cancer. Changes may present as a new growth, such as a mole or sore that doesn’t heal. If you see those types of changes, contact your primary care provider.

For more information about cancer in Virginia, visit Virginia Department of Health Cancer Programs.