West Piedmont Health District

Serving the City of Martinsville and the counties of Henry, Franklin, and Patrick

Severe Weather Awareness

Severe Weather Awareness Week to be held March 10-14

A photo of a tornado hovering over a rural farmhouse and landscape.



Visit our Emergency Preparedness page to learn how to build emergency kits for your home and your car.

NEW!  Departamento de Salud de Henry-Martinsville Línea en español 

(276)-638-2311 ext. 38440 
Llamando a la línea directa (276)-403-8440 
Favor dejar su nombre y número de teléfono y un intérprete le devolverá la llamada.

Henry Martinsville Health Department Spanish Line

(276)-638-2311 ext. 38440     OR     Direct Line: (276)-403-8440
Please leave a name, phone number, and brief message for an interpreter to return your phone call.

Protect Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning!

An infographic with details about causes, symptoms and prevention of cardon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and can kill you!

Take some simple steps to protect yourself.
Click on the graphic to enlarge for viewing or printing.

A graphic showing a boiled egg on a fork and an electrical wall plug with advice East Safe Food after a Power Outage.

Don't poison yourself! Follow these tips in English and Spanish to be sure the food you eat after the power goes out is safe.

  Respiratory Virus Guidance

Protect yourself and others from respiratory illnesses. See core prevention measures, additional prevention measures, what to do if
you're sick, and how to get treatment. Download and print:   English    Spanish

  Need Info & Updates on . . . ?

Mpox                 Respiratory Viruses                 Overdose Prevention

Get to Know WPHD

Penny Hall is the new director of WPHDHall Tapped to Lead WPHD

Penny Hall has been selected to lead the West Piedmont Health District (WPHD) as director and began serving in that capacity on January 25. WPHD is one of 35 local health districts within the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and encompasses the counties of Franklin, Henry and Patrick and the City of Martinsville. As director, Hall will organize, plan, direct, and manage programs to improve the district population’s overall well-being. This includes . . . Read more.


Putting Her Talents to Work - Chris Niblett Serves Nine Health Districts

Chris Niblett sits in her office in the Henry-Martinsville Health Department.
You can be forgiven if you didn’t know that Christina Niblett is part of the WPHD team. That’s because she is also part of the team at no less than eight other health districts – in fact every district between Danville and the Tennessee border! (That would be Pittsylvania-Danville, Central Virginia, Roanoke City, Alleghany, West Piedmont, New River, Mount Rogers, Cumberland Plateau, and Lenowisco – nine total.)

As Human Resource Business Partner - Western Region, Chris . . . Read more.


A Mighty Voice for the Hispanic Community – “It’s in my heart.”

A photo of a West Piedmont Medical Interpreter in a VDH t-shirt.

Since coming to the United States from her home in Puerto Rico in 2002, Maite (pronounced “Mighty”) Arroyo-Torres has used her voice to help others find their place in our local communities. Currently serving as a Certified Medical Interpreter for the West Piedmont Health District, Arroyo-Torres’s primary goal is to help the Hispanic community. “Sometimes they come here, and they have nobody to help them,” she said.

It can be a big job. . . Read more.   Read Maite's story in Spanish.

West Piedmont Receives National Award
for Model Practice

WPHD staff show an award plaque for model practice.

West Piedmont Health District (WPHD) is among 14 local health departments across the nation, and the only one in Virginia, to be recognized for a Model Practice, by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). Model Practices are programs demonstrating exemplary and replicable qualities in response to a critical local public health need. WPHD’s initiative, Community Health Workers as Data Collectors Provides Equity in Rural Virginia, garnered the award during the NACCHO annual conference in Detroit on July 25. Read more.

Steve Bailey Earns BEACON Award

Head and torso photo of Steve Bailey.
Steve Bailey
has received the VDH 1st Quarter BEACON award winner (Jan – Mar 2024).  BEACON award winners are VDH public health nurses recognized for Breaking Barriers, Empathy, Art of Caring, Community Advocacy, Original Ideas, and Never Ending Diligence.

Verna Burnette, Nurse Manager, Sr. nominated Steve for the award based on his emphatic nature with both patients and staff, and his dedication and commitment to the job. The nomination is forwarded to the state Director of Nursing, and a Beacon Award Committee selects quarterly winners.

WPHD logo

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Contact your local health department
After Hours: (877) ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343)

For medical assistance, contact your primary care provider or your nearest urgent care facility.

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Last Updated: March 12, 2025