Program Spotlight: Office of Emergency Preparedness

Graphic for Office of Emergency Preparedness Program SpotlightAbout the Office of Emergency Preparedness

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) is responsible for responding to emergencies throughout the Commonwealth that impact public health.  They work with state, regional, local, and national partners to prepare for all types of hazards that include:

  • Severe weather
  • Bioterrorism
  • Infectious disease outbreaks
  • Nuclear and radiological threats
  • Other disasters

Always prepared

OEP works with every office in the agency and each local health district to develop emergency plans to outline how the agency can continue to provide essential services during a public health crisis.

Practice. Practice. Practice. OEP staff hosts emergency drills and exercises with regional and local partners to practice how VDH and its partners would respond to an emergency to ensure public health met.

Emergency Preparedness vs. Emergency Response

Being prepared is only part of the job. OEP staff constantly monitor reports and situations across the Commonwealth.  They are ready to respond at the first sign of an emergency. In fact, OEP has positioned emergency coordinators in each of the five health regions to ensure that staff can easily mobilize during an emergency.

OEP response activities vary depending on the type of emergency. They coordinate resources, manages logistics and provide situation updates. Staff coordinate water distributions during water emergencies.  They provide logistic support during flu shot clinics.

Crucial Partners

Partner agencies are crucial to emergency preparedness and response.  OEP works with many partners to maintain the health and safety of the public during an emergency.  These include:

  • Local law enforcement,
  • Fire department,
  • Emergency medical services,
  • Community volunteer organizations,
  • Local government (city officials),
  • Other state agencies (i.e. the Virginia Department of Emergency Management), and
  • Medical Reserve Corps

Communication is Key

OEP emergency coordinators are key to providing situation awareness.  They are the boots on the ground during an emergency.  They share essential information with leadership for decision making.  They share important details with VDH’s communications team for public messaging. They communicate critical needs to VDH partners.

What can you do?

Knowledge is power!  Learn about what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones during an emergency.  Visit the OEP website for resources, disaster support and help, and more.