Virginia Vaccines for Children (VVFC)

Manager: Crista Sullivan, MBA

Virginia Vaccines for Children’s (VVFC) program is managed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Division of Immunization (DOI).  Through utilization of private and public providers, the VVFC program and DOI reduce barriers to immunizations. DOI supplies federally and state purchased vaccine at no cost to public and private health care providers.

The VVFC program handles distribution of all vaccines provided by DOI, in addition to those for the VFC entitlement program. DOI, through relationships with public providers is able to serve populations in addition to VVFC eligible, such as children needing immunizations for school, and limited vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults.  The vaccine supplied by the Division of Immunization is supplied at "no cost" to enrolled providers.

VVFC currently has over 700 facilities enrolled in the program as either a private facility or a public facility.

If you have any questions about VVFC, please call 800-568-1929 or 804-864-8055.

Consult a healthcare provider to ensure your child is up to date on preventative care, including routine immunizations.

Vaccine News Alert
VFC Enrollment
VFC Internal Map

(Staff Only)

Locate a VVFC Provider
VFC Training
Storage and Handling

Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers


Want to know more about the national VFC Program?

CDC VFC Info Here!

Last Updated: February 3, 2025