Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

About the Program

Childhood lead poisoning is considered the most preventable environmental disease among young children.  The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) within VDH's Division of Prevention and Health Promotion at VDH's Central Office is a CDC-funded program.  The program provides:

  • Surveillance and analysis of reported blood lead levels in children less than 16 years of age
  • Education and outreach to parents, communities, and health professionals about childhood lead poisoning and prevention, and
  • Oversight to providers and local health department staff on screening, testing, and case management for children exposed to lead

The CLPPP aims to ensure that children at risk for lead exposure are identified, tested, and connected to additional services. Through collaboration with local health department staff, health care providers, environmental health specialists, and public health partners, the VA CLPPP aims to make our state a Lead Safe Virginia.

Learn about lead poisoning prevention from the Lead Safe Virginia digital campaign!

You can also view it on the VDH YouTube channel.

Important Updates

Information about Lead in the Home

Click here to find information about sources of lead and preventing lead exposure, legal considerations for real estate and rental properties, and information for lead professionals.

Information for Parents

Click here to find information about how to keep your family safe from lead exposure and learn what to do if your child has been exposed to lead.

Information about Adult Lead Poisoning

Click here to learn about sources of lead exposure for adults (at work and from hobbies), and how you can prevent bringing lead home to your family.

Information for Health Care Providers

Click here to find information about screening and reporting guidelines, training and continuing education opportunities, materials for patients.

Information for Childcare Centers

Click here for information about potential sources of lead, health effects for children, tips for keeping your facility lead-free, and educational resources for staff.

Referrals and Partnerships

Click here to find information about referrals, partnerships and collaborations.

For more information:

Ashley Koski, Program Coordinator

Janine Kerr, Health Educator

Andrew Tran, Toxic Substances Epidemiologist

Last Updated: August 12, 2024