
  • Raise Awareness & Take Action for National HIV Testing Day

    Did you know that today, June 27th, is National HIV Testing Day? It’s a day when we focus on the importance of getting tested for HIV, a virus that affects people all around the world. Let’s rediscover why this day is so important. Why HIV Testing Matters: Getting tested helps you know your HIV status. Knowing your status…Read more

  • This Summer, Stay Safe by Keeping Cool

    Summer is here and our goal is to find the best way to spend it. Festivals, traveling, the beach, boating, hiking... the possibilities are endless. But the key to a great summer is to think cool. As temperatures outside rise, it’s important to stay hydrated and stay cool. Last summer (May to September) in Virginia, 2,656 people visited…Read more

  • World Sickle Cell Day Shines a Light on the Disease and the Need for a Cure

    The Virginia Department of Health is joining organizations around the globe in bringing more awareness to sickle cell disease (SCD). Sickle cell disease is an inherited lifelong condition that primarily affects people of African descent. SCD gets its name from sickle-shaped red blood cells. Unlike normal blood cells that are shaped like round discs, sickle cells are stiff…Read more

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